ACCS Info Bulletin 06/21

Re:      ACCS Convention, 11th March, 2021. 

The Convention of ACCS will be held on Thursday 11th March 2021 for the following purposes:

Ordinary Business

1.       To receive and consider the reports of the directors and of the statutory auditors and the statutory financial statements for the financial period ended 31st December 2020.

2.       To review the affairs of ACCS.

3.       To re-appoint McFeely & McKiernan as statutory auditors of ACCS.

4.       To authorise the directors to fix the remuneration of the statutory auditors.

5.       For the election of the 2021/2022 ACCS Executive Committee (Directors).

As per paragraph 61 of the Articles of Association, the Directors’ Report (Report of the Executive Committee) and the Statutory Auditor’s Report together with the Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet of ACCS are enclosed for your attention.

Observations or questions relating to the Director’s Report and audited accounts should be submitted in writing to The Treasurer, ACCS, 10H Centrepoint Business, Dublin 12 or by email to before the 5th March 2021, in order for the Treasurer to respond at Convention 2021.

Special Business

6.       Minutes of 2020 Convention:

To consider and, if thought fit, approve the draft minutes of the previous Convention.

7.       Any other business. (The Final Agenda of the Convention is enclosed).

Is mise, le mór mheas,



ACCS Convention 2021 – Agenda and Timetable


John Irwin