ACCS: Follow up from "Leadership & Management Webinar 30th August 2022"

Dear Secretary,

Please link to the recording of yesterday’s ACCS Leadership & Management Webinar: 

The updated Guide for 2022/23 which contains all necessary materials and sample adverts, template application form, sample slides for use at school level when facilitating the needs and priorities process, sample roles and responsibilities, advice on review meetings and reporting is available in the HR section behind the Leadership and Management tile on the website

The updated LAOS 2022 and the PowerPoint slides are attached for your convenience. The attached PowerPoint includes three additional slides referenced at the webinar. 

·     Slide 40: Sample areas of responsibility: Care & safety at the centre of all policy and practices

·     Slide41&42: Sample areas of responsibility:  Championing Sustainability

These slides may be useful to schools when considering priorities and areas of responsibility going forward. Both areas Health and Safety and Sustainability were referenced in a communication to schools from the Department in November 2021 

First Aid

Boards of Management are reminded of the importance of the care and safety of all pupils/students, staff and visitors to their school and that care and safety should be at the centre of all policy and practices.

Schools must ensure that a Safety Statement is in place to reduce the risk of injury and illness and put appropriate provision in place to safeguard the school community. The Safety Statement should also clearly outline how the school provides and maintains first aid equipment and supplies and how staff are trained in the use of these. Schools should ensure that first aid supplies and training for first aid is kept up to date. The HSA in collaboration with the Department, published a number of resources specifically for schools to support them in managing health and safety in the school environment. The HSA also provides a number of online awareness-raising courses-specifically for the school sector on the Authority’s eLearning portal at 


“When considering the school leadership team and the assignment/re-assignment of roles and responsibilities to post holders in accordance with the relevant Department circulars (currently primary Circular 0044/2019 and post primary Circular 0003/2018) schools/ETBs may wish to consider including the role of an energy / sustainable champion as part of the roles and responsibilities of the distributed leadership team. The Department is working closely with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to support schools in this area within the existing established programmes that the SEAI provide see"

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


John Irwin