ACCS Area Meetings August/September 2020

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Please see attached: 

1.    The PowerPoint presentation for the Area Meetings which may be useful for Boards of Management and schools in terms of clarifications regarding Covid-19 and other Governance/HR/Curricula matters.

2.    The SSE Checklist for Boards of Management to complete at the beginning of each new academic year.

3.    A checklist/list of reminders for Boards of Management commencing a new term or/and for all Boards at the beginning of the academic year.

See below a link to the evaluation form (5 questions) for completion after participation.

This is the first time that ACCS is delivering these meetings online. Obviously, while our preference would always be to facilitate the meetings face to face, the current restrictions do not allow this at this time.  As ever, your feedback and opinions are important to us and will assist us in further developing this approach and the content of the meetings which are delivered over the first few weeks of the new school year. Following each meeting we ask participants to complete the evaluation and thank you for taking the time to do so.


Powerpoint Presentation Area Information Meetings 2020

SSE Checklist for Boards of Management

Checklist for Board of Management Meeting New Academic Year

Liam Ryder