ACCS Information Note

Spectrum School Community August Update 2022

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have had a good week so far and enjoyed the recent spell of good weather, some time abroad or both!

With another school term on the horizon, we’re keen to help you set yourself up for another busy year. Below are some key dates for the month ahead, aligned to the HSE Health Promotion calendar.

You’ll notice August, like July, is a little quieter on this front than most months, but this activity will pick up again from September. 

Also attached is an August poster for the Wellbeing Series so you can see what events are running. Below as always you will find related content for you to share with the school community to promote the range of wellbeing resources they have access to.   

  • 1st-7th August: World Breastfeeding Week

  • 12th August: International Youth Day

  • 19th August: World Humanitarian Day 


           Daily Self-Care Tips


          Mindfulness Tips for Beginners  



·  15 Minute Vegetable Curry

·  Banana Almond Pancakes

·  Chicken and Sweet Pepper Pasta Melt

Kind Regards,

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


John Irwin