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ACCS Information Note

Distribution of Examination Papers & Turas Abhaile Service Available to Schools

Good afternoon to everyone,

It was great to catch up with Dublin and Leinster colleagues this week and we look forward to meeting everyone in Munster and Connacht over the coming week.

I hope the State Examinations are going well in schools. As you probably know the distribution of examination papers to all Leaving Certificate Superintendents happens this Sunday (18th).

This means that they will be picking up the papers between 9.00 am and 3.30 pm at the distribution centre, following which they will be going to their examination school to check the papers and store them securely. Schools should already be aware of this arrangement and all Superintendents have been asked to ensure that they have a mobile number for their school examination aide/caretaker so that they can ensure access even in the event of an unforeseen delay. Almost all collections will happen before 2.30 pm but there are a small number scheduled between 2.30 pm and 3.30 pm.

The DE have provided funding for Turas Abhaile this year. If any school is experiencing difficulties with recruitment, Turas Abhaile is being asked to provide individual support to schools. Please see Turas Abhaile flier attached.

We are all looking forward to the end of the examinations and I cannot stress enough the importance of everyone getting a meaningful break.

Kind regards,

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


Turas Abhaile – School Flyer