ACCS Information Note

ACCS CPD Programme 2022/2023 &

ACCS Head Office Arrangements Summer 2022

Dear Secretary,

Attached for your information is the ACCS CPD Programme 2022/2023 which will be distributed to schools in the first newsletter of the academic year in August.

On behalf of ACCS President James Duignan and the team in ACCS Head Office, I wish to acknowledge all the work in ensuring the continuation of the operation of schools over the last academic year and to thank you for your continued/unwavering commitment. It is time for all members of senior management to take a well-earned and much needed break from school.  

Likewise in ACCS we look forward to taking a break over the coming weeks. The office will close on Friday 8th July at 5:00pm and reopen on Monday 8th August at 8:30am.

During this period of closure be assured I will be available to address any emergency issues that may arise in schools. Initial contact should be made directly through my mobile on 086 2438088 as emails will not be monitored on a daily basis.

We wish you all a restful summer break and good health to you, your families and all in your school communities.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


Continuous Professional Development Programme 2022/2023

John Irwin