1. Invitation to ACCS Briefing for Chairpersons/Princip​als and Deputy Principals on Thursday 25th June at 10.00 a.m. and 2. ACCS Newsletter Issue No 5.

1. Invitation to ACCS Briefing for Chairpersons/Principals and Deputy Principals on Thursday 25th June at 10.00 a.m.

ACCS will host a briefing for Chairpersons of Boards of Management/Principals and Deputy Principals on Thursday 25th June at 10:00 am to provide updates with a particular focus on:

·         Progress on plans for the reopening of schools

·         Template Characteristic Statement for schools with Catholic and ETB joint patrons/Agreed Template wording for opt-out of R.I. where the school timetables R.E. 

See link below to join briefing:

Topic: ACCS Information Meeting. Time: Jun 25, 2020 10:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting


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Meeting ID: 811 4006 2245

Password: 870213

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2. ACCS Newsletter Issue No 5.

Please find attached the latest interactive edition of the ACCS Newsletter to share with colleagues and Board of Management Members. These have indeed been the most unusual times in education over the last number of weeks and this newsletter celebrates the achievements of students, teachers and school leaders across Community and Comprehensive Schools. We hope you enjoy this celebration of educational endeavour in what have been different times.

All in ACCS wish to acknowledge the tremendous work of school leaders and staff in the implementation of the Calculated Grades Procedure. We also acknowledge the wonderful work on ensuring students remain engaged in education and progress in their learning.  We look forward to meeting you all on Thursday.  Keep well.

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