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A student in our school wishes to undertake work experience in a local hotel as part of Transition year. What do we do and where do we get guidance?

For information in relation to work experience, we would refer you to our “Work Experience Guidance” document which was developed by the State Claims Agency in conjunction with the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS). This is available under the ‘School Management’ section of the ACCS website.

It is recommended that a ‘Work Experience Summary Sheet’ contained in Appendix B is completed for each student’s work experience. This ensures that all relevant information relating to work experience is collected.

Sections A, B and C should be completed by the school, in consultation with the student, and signed off. The student/school contact person should then forward the sheet to the host employer. The host employer completes sections D and E of the ‘Work Experience Summary Sheet’, signs it and returns it to the school contact person directly or via the student. At this stage, the host employer should be provided with a copy of the ‘Host Employers Guidance Leaflet’ (Appendix A) and a copy of the ‘State indemnity Confirmation Statement’.

The host employer should keep a copy for their records. Work experience should not proceed until the form has been returned to the school contact person.

Prior to work experience commencing, the ‘Pre-Work Experience Risk Assessment Checklist’ contained in Appendix C should be completed which assists schools in ensuring all relevant procedures have been implemented. Schools have a duty of care to ensure that the work experience is suitable for the student in question. Based on the details provided in the ‘Work Experience Summary Sheet’, the school must assess if the tasks outlined are suitable for the student and must be satisfied that:

  • The work experience will fulfil the learning needs of the student.

  • The student will not be exposed to foreseeable risks of injury or harm.

  • The students should not partake in any high-risk activities that would require specialist training.

    In advance of the work experience, the school should brief students on:

    • the aims of the work experience

    • his/her responsibilities while on work experience

    • the types of activities he/she is not to partake in

    • the procedures to follow should he/she have any difficulties while on work experience

Each student should be provided with a copy of the completed ‘Work Experience Summary Sheet’.

It is expected that host employers have adequate employer’s liability (not required where self-employed) and public liability insurance in place. The recommended acceptable indemnity limits for employer’s liability cover would normally be €12.7 million and the recommended limit for public liability cover would normally be €6.5 million.

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