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Reminder - Nominations for the Election of Area Representatives to the ACCS Executive 2022/2023 to be submitted by 14th February, 2022.

Boards of Management are reminded that the closing date for receipt of written nominations for the election of Area Representatives to the ACCS Executive 2022/2023 is 14th February 2022. Elections will take place on the 23rd March in the Slieve Russell Hotel to fill the positions of Area Representatives in the following constituencies: Connacht (2), Comprehensive Schools Sector (2), Dublin (3), Munster (3), Rest of Leinster (3) and Ulster (2). Only when insufficient numbers have been nominated to fill the positions of area representatives (Principal/non-Principal) for a constituency, then individual nominations for election in that constituency will be accepted at Convention.

In the case where there are two or more seats, at least one must be a non-Principal. Please submit written nominations on the attached form and return by post to ACCS, 10H Centrepoint Business Park, Oak Drive, Dublin 12.

Registering of ACCS Delegates on the School Online Portal.

It would be appreciated if Boards would now notify ACCS of the names of their delegates in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of ACCS. Every member school shall have three accredited delegates and only delegates in attendance may vote. Each member Board shall be entitled to be represented by two Board members and the Principal (or Acting Principal) of the school. It is the recommendation of the ACCS Executive that one of the accredited delegates be the Chairperson of the Board of Management. To access the school portal, log on to or click on “ACCS portal” on the home page of You will require your Username (last 4 digits of the main school phone number) and Password and a math’s captcha to login. Please contact ACCS Head Office if you require assistance.

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS


Executive Nomination Form 2022 - 2023