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ACCS/Info Bulletin 74/20

1. Public Health Update 2. Board of Management Finance Sub-Committee Webinar 3. Recently Published Department Guidance and Circulars 4. Teacher Supply.

1. Public Health Update.

Public Health has informed the Department of Education that a limited number of staff may be reclassified from high risk to very high risk in instances where certain identified immune-depressant medication taken in high doses is involved. The teachers/employees will be contacted directly by health officials and the teacher/employee will then contact the school. The teacher/employee should absent themselves from school and be referred back to Medmark for a medical risk assessment. This will determine whether the teacher/employee can return to school.  The numbers involved are expected to be very small and should be looked at on a case by case basis.

On a weekly basis the Department has organised a weekly briefing for education partners. Please find attached a Summary Report on Schools & Education Testing (including Childcare and Special Education Facilities) - up to 9.30am 3rd November 2020. The data contained in the report strongly supports the work schools continue to do to mitigate the risk of transmission of Covid – 19 in schools.

2. Board of Management Finance Sub-Committee Webinar.

ACCS reminds Board members of this very important FSSU webinar. All school Boards should ensure they are represented at this webinar. The following are the details for the webinar.

The school year 2019/2020 is the first year that Boards of Management of Community & Comprehensive Schools will submit their annual accounts to the Department of Education, through the FSSU. The annual accounts must be submitted by the 28th February 2021.

The FSSU is running a webinar on Wednesday November 11th from 7pm to 8.15pm to support school management in achieving this compliance deadline. The webinar will also cover the preparation of the annual accounts and essential issues pertaining to Finance Sub-Committees. The webinar will show Finance Sub-Committee members FSSU sample financial monthly reports and how to interpret these reports in order to enhance good financial governance.

The webinar is free of charge and is open to Finance Sub-Committee members and other Board members.

Click here to register

 3. Recently Published Department Guidance and Circulars.

The Department of Education has recently published the following guidance for schools:

  • Cl 0074/2020 Communication/Teaching & Learning Platform (Please see attached)

  • Cl 0073/2020 Updated Guide to Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections in Primary and Post-primary Schools (Please see CL and Guidance attached)

  • Supporting collaboration with parents/guardians of Post-Primary students, School Year 2020/2021. (Please see attached)

 4. Teacher Supply.

The Minister for Education, Norma Foley, TD, announced new upskilling programmes for post-primary teachers in mathematics, physics and Spanish. She states:

“Our post-primary schools have highlighted teacher recruitment challenges in certain subject areas, including STEM and modern foreign languages. These programmes will support the supply of teachers to meet the needs of our schools and students over the coming years in three key subject areas, mathematics, physics and Spanish”.

Three level 8 programmes were recommended for funding, as follows:

  1. Professional Diploma for Teaching Physics: DCU (lead institution), UL and NUIG

  2. Higher Diploma in Spanish for Teaching (Post-Primary): UCC

  3. Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching: UL (lead institution), NUIG, DCU, TUD, CIT, LYIT and WIT

The programmes are open to registered post-primary teachers irrespective of employment status. Teachers cannot already be registered in the subject in which they are intending to upskill. Other than a deposit, refundable to the participating teacher on completion of the programme, places will be provided free of charge and prioritised for teachers who are unemployed, not in full employment, and those teaching the subject “out of field”.

The application processes will open shortly and applications should be made directly to the appropriate HEI. Further information on the programmes and the application processes, including closing dates for applications, are available at the following links:

Professional Diploma for Teaching Physics link

Higher Diploma in Spanish for Teaching (Post-Primary) link

Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching:  link

 Is mise,

Le mór mheas,




Summary Report on Schools & Education Testing (including Childcare and Special Education Facilities)

DES CL 74/20 Communication/Teaching & Learning Platform

DES CL 73/20 Updated Guide to Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections in Primary and Post-primary Schools

A Guide to Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections

Supporting collaboration with parents/guardians of Post-Primary students

Supporting collaboration with parents/guardians of Post-Primary students (Irish Version)