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ACCS/Info Bulletin 14/21

Re:   S07/21:Important Information in Relation to the Arrangements for the Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021.  

Circular S07/21:Important Information in Relation to the Arrangements for the Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021 is attached for your information. (LCA Guide to follow – see note to schools on 1st March re Briefs and Passwords).

Support to Schools:

The school can appoint an Examination Aide for a period of 15 days each year to assist/fully substitute for the Principal if they are unavailable. Additional days are also available to the school based on the number of candidates and duration of the timetable in that school. The Examination Aide days are to be used for both the written examinations and the related assessment components. The SEC and Department of Education are currently reviewing the supports necessary to support the changes required and the administration of both SEC processes this year. In the meantime, schools can start to use the supports available for the planning of the orals and the review of accommodation required for examination centres.

1. Coursework Completion Dates ( S64/20 and SEC email of 14th January relates)

a.       Overall Timeframe for Completion dates for 15 subject areas, including LCVP is 12th March – 28th May. See also information re. submission dates and marking arrangements.

b.       No change to the exceptional provision made for exemptions from coursework for students under the Adapted Education Provision. Application deadline: 26th March.

c.       All queries re. practical coursework to / 090 644 2867.

2. Orals, Practicals and Music Practical Performance Test

a.       Orals: Administer locally. SEC Guidance re conduct of Orals to issue by 15th March.

b.       Music Practical: SEC appointed examiners / to take place 2nd week of Easter Holidays.

c.       PE/Engineering and Construction Practical not proceeding. Marks reallocated to project.

3. Timetables 2021

a.       May Examinations: LCVP Link Modules, LC Computer Science & LCA IT Specialism.

b.       Schools are asked to arrange for local printing and display of the timetables in schools.

c.       The SEC will provide printed timetables to examination superintendents for display in examination centres in due course.

4. Candidate Entries and Candidate Self Service Portal

a.       Portal will open on Wednesday 10th March at 12 noon. See note re external candidates and deadline 12th February. N.B. Students should select the level at which they are currently studying. Further opportunity to confirm levels end of April / early May.

b.       A matrix of Leaving Certificate candidate entries will issue to schools this week. Changes must be notified by email to no later than Friday 5th March 2021. Queries re. Entries: / 090 644 2702.

5. Establishment of Examination Centres

a.       Request to schools to review examination centre accommodation in line with new rubrics (appendix) and to provide this to SEC no later than Friday 12th March 2021. Complete as many CEN1 forms as required to detail the accommodation requirements for the total Leaving Certificate cohort in the school. Completed and signed forms should be scanned and returned by email to

b.       Base numbers on entire/maximum LC Cohort. (Note: No consolidation of centres as in other years. Maintain centres as pods where possible. 2m physical distancing + in large areas e.g. a gym, where there are multiple centres, 50% centre density rules will apply.)

c.       Avoid use of accommodation outside of school footprint – additional security risks re movement of papers.

d.       Custody of the Examination Paper Boxes – SEC will contact schools which have relied on Garda Stations to review alternative arrangements.

6. Scheme of Reasonable Accommodations

a.       Application form (RA3) available at Closing date for late applications: 9th April. No requests to be made on foot of concerns about Covid.

b.       Queries related to the RACE Scheme: / 090 644 2781.

c.       Any candidate unable to take their examinations as scheduled, will receive Accredited Grades. 

d.       Junior Cycle RACE application closing date: 9th April (Relevance only for future LC applications).

                                    i. Bilingual Dictionaries: Circular S02/21 and application form, at link here,

                                   ii. Form D21 is available on SEC website at link here

7. Recruitment of Contract Staff

For the orderly, efficient, and timely conduct of the marking of the certificate examinations, the SEC will be absolutely reliant on teachers applying for contract positions with the SEC this year.

Week of 1st March: Examiners LCE, LCA, LC Orals, LC Practical Coursework & LC Music Performance. 2020 appointments + new appointments

Week of 1st March: All 2020 applicants to be contacted via email re. carrying application over to this year.

TBA: Further recruitment as required.

Is mise,Le mór mheas,



S07/21:Important Information in Relation to the Arrangements for the Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021