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ACCS/H2 Learning Project: Putting the Flipped Classroom into Action

Participant places still available

The ACCS/H2 Learning online Project: Putting the Flipped Classroom into Action is due to commence next Thursday 19th January at 4pm. The course will run for the following four Thursdays between 4pm-5pm (break for midterm) and will conclude on Thursday 23rd February.

There is a small number of places still available on this online course. Please see the introductory webinar at the following link: The information plan regarding how this course will work is outlined during the presentation. 

Any school which may be still interested in joining this project, please contact Áine at The course is designed for classroom teachers with an interest in embedding technology effectively in their classroom practices. 

Kindest regards, 

Áine O’Sullivan, Assistant General Secretary, ACCS